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首页 > 供应产品 > Al-Ko Robolinho 3000 Robotic Lawn Mower
Al-Ko Robolinho 3000 Robotic Lawn Mower
浏览: 582
品牌: -
Model: Robolinho 3000
Origin: -
Label: lawn mower , lawnmower , robot mower
单价: 990.00元/unit
最小起订量: 20 unit
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-04 12:16

Ultra-safe, whisper-quiet, and above all effort-saving, it’s easy to see why robotic mowers like this fine German-designed example from Al-Ko are widely considered to be the future of lawn care. Its advanced 2.9Ah lithium-ion battery powers a dual cutting-system which finely chops the cut grass so it won’t show on the lawn surface; while its employment of premium components and a r ed plastic housing ensures season after season of service, even in typically damp British conditions. Also featured is a ‘home’ button, which, when pressed, will see the mower return to its base-station.

Working Area: max 1,200m²
Cutting Width: 30cm
Working Time / loading time: 120/ 120 min
Cutting height adjustment: 30-60mm - manual
Li-ion Battery: 3Ah / 25,2v
Noise level during mowin: max .65 dB(A)
Double blade technology
Rain sensor
Free selection of starting points
Installation of 2nd base station
Boundary cable included: 150m
