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Pu Erh Tea Factory
浏览: 832
品牌: Jiaxiang
Origin: Made In China
Label: Pu Erh Tea , Black Tea , Pu Er Tea
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-21 12:08

Puer tea is a kind of dark tea. It gets its name from the place where it is grown and produced. The most distinctive feature of Puer tea is that its value increases as time goes on. 
Puer fremented loose tea is made of Shaiqinmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species treated by fermenting process. Cooked tea has a dark-red color, a mild flavor and a special fragrance. Because of the mild tea performances of cooked Pu'er tea, it has a good health care function, therefore,  it is popular in the public. 
Puer tea is good for health and has the function to help lose weight. Pu-erh tea, with its distinctive taste and dark red color, is well-known in China. Many coffee drinkers enjoy Puer's rich mild flavor.
