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首页 > 供应产品 > Organic Black Tea Powder and dust for tea and milk blending
Organic Black Tea Powder and dust for tea and milk blending
浏览: 530
品牌: goodvillage
Origin: Made In China
Label: green tea , black tea , china tea
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-22 08:29

CTC means Crush, Tear, and Curl (also Cut, Twist, Curl), is a method of processing black tea, similar to that of orthodox tea manufacture. Instead of the leaves being rolled as a final stage, they are passed through a series of cylindrical rollers with hundreds of small sharp "teeth" that crush, tear, and curl the tea.

CTC is Machinery processed tea. The processing has three stages (crush, tear, curl or cut, tear, curl). The resultant product looks like small pellets of black tea. It produces a very strongly flavored, quickly infusing tea that is often boiled or used in teabags.

CTC is one of fine quality black tea
Appearance: It looks round and normal  

Raw Material: Fresh tea from alp, slim leaves have high aroma 

Taste: heavy and mellow 

Tea Water: red liquor  

Contents: the protein, fat, saccharine, microelement, tannin, Catching, theine and mutiplex vitamin.

CTC is well suited for tea bags, as the product quickly gives a dark brew.


Function of black tea

1).Anti-Aging: Black tea can help fight aging.

2). Conservation stomach: Black tea also have good effects on the treatment of ulcers

3). Lower blood pressure: the formation of a tea processing aminobutyric acid with blood pressure lowering effect

4). Detoxication: Black tea contain kinds of Polyphenols can detoxicate.

5). Strong Skeleton: the high fluoride content in tea , the prevention of dental caries , dental care , and the teeth are useful .

6). Prevent and relieve many disease, such as: cancer, haemangioma, vascular sclerosis, thrombus and so on.
