
Fayoum International Trade Point

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浏览: 664
品牌: El Alfy
Origin: -
Label: honey
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-03-25 00:30

El Alfy for Honey Products, we producer of honey he produce many types of honey because he have  travelers bee hive  
The traveler bee hive is the best way for producing honey and bee products , useful for bees and makes the honey produced in high quality , types & quantity . The wonderful is that 7000 years ago the pharaohs in EGYPT used that way for producing honey and bee products
( by putting the bee hives on boats seals from south to north through the River Nile )
because in EGYPT inflorescence starts in the South 1.5 month before the north
Types of Honey
Mountain Honey , Mountain Hanon Honey (Myrrh) , Olive Honey , Desert Honey , Halfa Honey , Black Cumin honey , Thyme Honey , Nabk Honey , Pink(carnation) Honey , Clover Honey , Medical Plants Honey , Strawberry Honey , Sesame Honey , Carcadeh (Hibiscus) Honey , Lemon Honey , Basil Honey , Melon Honey , Orange Honey , Apple Honey , Mango Honey , Marjoram Honey , 
Peach Honey , Banana Honey , Camphor Honey , Rose Honey , Royal Jelly , Bee Pollen , Ppropolis ,  Bee Wax , Bee Venom . Every type of honey is useful in many disease .
So if you are interested in this business send us a mail included all the details you would require and we are going to send you all the catalogs, brochures and pictures of the product via mail.
So if you are really interested to know any further information please watch our site and  dont hesitate to send mail.
Looking forward to make good business relation and  for your recent replay and comments.
Thank you for your valuable time.
The very best regards.
