
H2 Hydroponics

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NFT hydroponic system for saving water
浏览: 786
品牌: H2 hydroponics
Model: H2 GreenPRO
Origin: Made In Spain
Label: GREENHOUSE , saving water , hydroponics
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 2000 meter
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-03-27 22:14

Agriculture faces new challenges as population increases as well as the demand of producing

healthier, high quality vegetables with minimum use of pesticides. All this while reducing use of

inputs and stop contamination of our natural resources. Hydroponics, the science of growing

plants without soil, has a great potential to fulfil those needs.

H2 hydroponics is a Corporate Spin-off of two European companies with long tradition developing

and manufacturing Greenhouses and Hydroponic systems for Portugal and European Market. We

have technical experience on hydroponic crop production on different fields and environments


We believe on challenging the way we produce our food by developing better cultivation systems;

making crop management, easier, more stable and affordable.

We believe in a sustainable agriculture by the use of hydroponic technologies and greenhouse


Please feel free to contact us for a personal assessment on your plans and projects.

Best regards,

H2 hydroponics Team
