
Henan Jinbaihe Biotechnology Co., Ltd

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首页 > 供应产品 > PROMAX ORAL
浏览: 662
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Label: feed additives , probiotic , animal health
单价: 4.50元/kg
最小起订量: 1000 kg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-06-06 09:29

PROMAX ORAL - Compound Probiotic Liquid

Focus on FCR, feed intake, productivity, immunity and stress

Product Functions and Mechanisms

On Livestock (Sow, piglet, ruminates)

Increase feed intake, daily gain, immunity and overall productivity for infant animals, Reduce enteritis, diarrhea, FCR, stress, inflammation, mortality and morbidity rate, reduce usage of antibiotics.  Prevent and reduce stress and constipation of sows, improve farrowing rate, immunity and intestinal barrier functions. Provide extra energy & nutrients, improve milk quality and survival rate of infant piglets.   Improve feed intake, daily gain, FCR for growers. Remove odor of feces, improve environment and reduce respiratory disease. 

On Poultry - more mechanism details please see PROMAX GX I profile


Increase feed intake and growth rate, improve FCR. Improve immunity, reduce morbidity & mortality Prevent enteritis, water feces and other digestive problems. Improve digestion of nutrients and meat quality. Reduce usage of antibiotics, improve profitability.   Improve environment, remove odor, reduce respiratory disease. Anti-stress.

Egg layer:

1. Enhance yolk absorption of chicks, improve survival rate of chicks.

2. Improve egg laying rate and egg weight, extend the peak egg laying period.

3. Improve egg shell quality, reduce broken egg and soft egg.

4. Improve immunity, maintain the integrity of mucosal barrier.

5. Effectively prevent enteritis and water feces, improve feed efficiency.

6. Help layers quickly back to peak egg production after diseases.

7. Improve environment, remove odor, reduce respiratory disease.

8. Anti-stress.

Product Unique Features & advantages

PROMAX ORAL formula is compound probiotic liquid solution based on the complementary biological features of Clostridium Butyricum  (JBH-BD1 CCTCC No. M2022151) and Lactobacillus strains, use advanced anaerobic joint fermentation technology to achieve best synergistic effects as well as high stability. This product contains viable probiotics and vast amount of beneficial metabolites produced by the strains during the fermentation process (compound enzymes, organic acids, multivitamins, peptides, anti-pathogenic substance, immunity enhancing factors, growth promoting factors etc.), very effective on reducing and preventing diarrhea and constipation caused by bacterial infection as well as physiological, nutritional and stress type of enteritis, improve environment, productivity and overall health of animals, reduce FCR, morbidity and mortality. This product also has features of easy to use, fast action, high cost efficiency and risk free, can be applied daily.  
