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the mini greenhouse
浏览: 895
品牌: Jianchuan
Model: 98764
Origin: Made In China
Label: mini greenhouse
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-03-29 15:04
1. The greenhouses skeleton is new synthetic material with high strength, good toughness, moisture resistance, corrosion, long life and other significant advantages.
2, I plant machinery production of high-strength waterproof greenhouses skeleton, acid and alkali. Samples taken 72 hours soaked in a solution of a high concentration of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, etc., color and toughness no deterioration.
3, Stent length, height, curvature, thickness can be arbitrarily adjusted without pillars, which greatly improved the lighting effect of the shed, the mechanized operation efficiency and land use area, and is able to build a large span of the Spring and Autumn greenhouse to meet the user’s needs. Construction is flexible, stable and reliable.
4, it is easy to install and remove. Sawing, planning, nailing, drilling all can fully meet the fixity building sheds and mobility needs of the construction shed.
Strong wind, anti-load capacity and wind resistance.
5, Small thermal conductivity does not ruin the film, not hot film, no cement steel frame heavy, the color of any deployment that is nice, but also suitable for crop specific color.
6, good lighting
It can maximize the absorption of sunlight in the winter and the soil long incubation period, the greenhouse temperature, sunlight effective transmission rate of up to 90%.
in the greenhouse industry