
Laser Equipment Co., Ltd. Nanjing Lei Xin

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Jiangsu Lei Xin laser equipment limited company is a high-tech enterprises in Jiangsu Province, the company set the development, production, sales and service with one laser enterprises, the main products include metal engraving machine, laser marking machine series industrial laser equipment, laser marking products comprises a lamp rod Pu, body semiconductor, CO2 laser Fight Code Machine and fiber laser marking machine, the main products are laser marking machine, laser engraving machine, laser engraving machine, laser marking machine, laser typewriter, metal laser marking machine, laser engraving machine, stainless steel plastic such as laser marking machine. In the field of industry to provide customers around the world the laser processing equipment, services and customer solutions, customers realize potential growth, continuing to create long-term value for customers.Product

Radium Xin laser for domestic and foreign customers with a complete set of laser processing solutions a... [详细介绍]