
Longyoung Greenhouse Company Limited

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Anti-grass Film for greenhouse
浏览: 723
品牌: Longyoung
Model: LY
Origin: Made In China
Label: ground film , Mulch Film , Anti-grass Film
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-03-29 15:45

Anti-grass Film for greenhouse


Thickness: 0.015~0.02mm.

Color: Transparent, Black, Black-and-white double-sided.

Function: Reduce the ground temperature; Prevent weeds; Maintain soil moisture. Especially suitable for high temperature cultivation in summer and autumn.

Choose proper type of anti-grass net.




1- Transparent Type: In spring, for crops like watermelon, bottle gourd, cotton and so on, colorless transparent film with high light transmission rate should be selected to increase the temperature to promote the growth of the crop. 

2- Black Type: Made of polyethylene resin with 2% -3% carbon black additives, with low light transmittance, can prevent the heat of the sunlight transferring to the soil. It is better than transparent film in reducing the evaporation of soil moisture and reducing the growth of weeds. In cultivation of low temperature crops like summer radish, Chinese cabbage and spinach, etc in high-temperature season, we can also select black film or Black-and-white film to lower surface temperature in summer and prevent crops from stunting because of the high temperature.      

3- Black-and-white Type: One side is silvery white the other side is black. Make the silvery white side up to reflect the sunlight and reduce the film temperature; the black side down to prevent weed growth. With the great performance of temperature reduction and preventing weed, it is mainly used to prevent diseases and heat proof in the cultivation of summer vegetables and fruits.
