
Ningbo Sunshine International Company Ltd

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Located in the second largest port in china, Ningbo Sunshine Internantional Co.,Ltd is a professional purchasing agent involved in the furniture industry including Rattan furniture,Salon Chair,Wooden Hammock and so on.

With clients worldwide, we have established longstanding relationships with a large network of responsible manufacturers and shipping companies, thus allowing us to supply you suitable high quality goods with competitive prices and efficient hassle free delivery.

For new products, our team is also keen to acquire more information efficiently to find the most suitable manufacturer with high quality standards to provide you your products and allow you to be a pioneer in your specific market.

Our professional experience since 2004 has saved a lot of time and energy for our clients, thus clients can be more focused on marketing in their own country allowing them to shift their focus to selling their product rather than wasting time in an area that is unfamiliar to them and often frustrating.

Here at Ningbo Sunshine we are passionate about working in cooperation with you to meet all of the challenges the future has to offer. All of our smart, friendly and professional staff are standing by as your link to China to solve all of your business problems.

We are here for you, so pass your problems on to us and let us smooth out your purchasing process.
公司名称: Ningbo Sunshine International Company Ltd 公司类型: Manufacturer ()
所 在 地: 公司规模: 100 ~ 500
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2010
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
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