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首页 > 供应产品 > Robomow City 110 Robotic Lawn Mower High Performance Rain Sensor
Robomow City 110 Robotic Lawn Mower High Performance Rain Sensor
浏览: 737
品牌: -
Origin: Made In Japan
Label: robomow , lawn mower , Robomow City 110
单价: 500.00元/pc
最小起订量: 10 pc
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-03 21:14

Save time : Robomow mows your lawn while you do what you want. No need to clean the lawn.
Costs saving: No more fuel costs, Robomow only uses 20 to 30 euros of electricity per season to recharge the battery. Less expense of fertilizers and irrigation. The clippings provide valuable nutrients andwater to your lawn.
Protect the environment : Robomow use only rechargeables batteries. No need to fuel, oil or gas.
Total security: minimal interaction between the user and Robomow. Child safety. Detection of the uprising of the mower. Bumper equipped with sensors.
A lawn greener and healthier: the lawn is mowed every time a different way, which guarantees a superb result. The grass clippings remain on the lawn and fertilize: it is greener and healthier.
Method of cutting edges: single market, Robomow has offset blades that rotate out of the wheelbase, which means it can mow the edges perfectly.
Optional manual mowing: For very narrow passages and hard to reach corners, use the handheld remote control (available as accessory)
A minimum of time on your lawn: Robomow stays on your lawn for 3 hours (for large areas). If your lawn is smaller, the work is usually done faster. You can program Robomow for working in your absence. When you return, your lawn will be mowed and you can enjoy it in peace!
Rain sensor: Robomow is equipped with a rain sensor and decides to stop or continue mowing depending on the intensity of the rain.
Traction silent: a new belt system allows the Robomow 110 to move silently.
