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hydroponic fodder container farm
浏览: 763
品牌: -
Origin: Made In China
Label: Hydroponic Greenhous , Polycarbonate , Glass Greenhouse
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-03-25 23:16

Hydroponic fodder machine is automatically controlled by microcomputer, which is energy-saving and water saving. It is easy to be managed which makes cultivation of green grass in large, small and medium farm (for camels, cattle, horse, deer and sheep ect.)It is a perfect room providing fresh green fodder to animals.1. The fodder will grow from a dry seed to a 12 -15 cm plant within 4 days.2. The system can bring down your feed costs by up to 60% and further more3. You will have guaranteed supply of Green Feed all the 12 months of the year no matter the weather conditions.  


The principle of a hydroponic fodder container farm is simple:

Day 1: Pre-soaked swollen grains evenly spreading in the plastic tray.Day 2: Seeds have begun to sprout roots and head after soaked for 24 hours.Day 4: Tremendous growth in root bed occurs before growth of shoots/ heads. Healthy root beds will create a mass that resembles that of a tight knit carpet lifting the seed and shoot from the tray.Day 6: Root bed is almost fully developed and growth transfers to shoots that have grown to 4-6 inches in overall height.Day 7: Feeding Day--Growth so fast you can nearly see it! Fully developed shoots and root bed ready for feeding. Healthy root beds are hard to separate and shoots are 8-10 inches in overall height. 

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