推广 热搜: 2024  bottle 

Ice black tea drinks

品牌: -
Origin: Made In China
Label: -
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-21 12:04
浏览次数: 775

Our company can produce all kinds of flavor with tea drinks, it can be good and healthy for people's body. Owing to it is rich in many kinds of elements for health, such as tea polyphenols, it has such functions as removing radicals, going against being old, antioxidant and reduce cholesterol. Nowadays more and more customers like different flavors of tea drinks, because of natural healthy has become a trend that we promote our tea drinks to international market.


Tea drinks contains the four kinds: green tea drink, black tea drink, oolong tea drink and jasmine tea drink. 

According to different kinds of tastes, they can be divided into a variety of tastes below:

Green tea drinks                  

Black tea drinks  

Jasmine tea drinks             

Oolong tea drinks 


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Instant black tea powder Ice black tea drinks
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