推广 热搜: 2024  bottle 

Golden Bud Black Tea

品牌: Jiaxiang
Origin: Made In China
Label: China Famous Tea , Famous Tea , China Tea
单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-22 08:29
浏览次数: 1001

Anxi Oolong tea is famous for spring aroma and autumn taste. This Tie Guan Yin is processed in accordance with the traditional Tie Guan Yin tea-making techniques; that is why its orchid fragrance is mixed with the tea soup. After drinking the tea soup, you will feel the soup is very delicate and full, and the whole mouth is full of sweetness and the orchid aroma is lingering between your teeth.
All of our Tie Guan Yin is pure Tie Guan Yin Oolong tea, which does not mix up any other Anxi Oolong teas; that is why its Guan Yin flavor is so thick and pure.
This 3A Tie Guan Yin is from high mountain in Gande town, where it produces the traditional, high aroma, sweet taste TGY.
All of our Tie Guan Yin Oolong are vacuumed & packed 8g/bag, and stored in our freezer before handing over to our clients. So they are super freshness.  Also, in traditional Chinese Gongfu tea way, we always brewed 8g/120cc Gaiwan. 
Origin: Gande town, Anxi county, Fujian Province
Harvest time: 2014 Spring
Picking standard: two or three half-matured tea leaves
Shape: tight bold ball shape(or some call dragonfly head shape)
Dried tea color: bloom sand green
Aroma: natural and fresh, orchid aroma
Tea soup color: bright light yellowish green color
Taste: freshness, sweetness, charming orchid fragrance, long after-taste, promoting the secretion of saliva for a long time.

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