推广 热搜: 2024  bottle 

792/1250G2K1 cross roller rotary bearings

品牌: HWB
Model: 792/1250G2K1
Origin: Made In China
Label: Slewing ring bearing , Wheel bearings , Luoyang bearing
单价: 面议
起订: 5 set
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-04-27 09:27
浏览次数: 843

Cross roller wheel bearings (without using)


Bearing type rated load external shape feet inch quality





D D H batch record and Coa (10kN) kg

79764 550 320 85 88.2 85.6

797/600G2 900 600 125 280 246

797/670 907 670 85 165 170

797/700G 1000 700 140 254 370

797/845G2 1150 845 130 401 393

797/870G 1180 870 115 292 355

797/870K 1180 870 115 232 355

797/870G2K1 1180 870 115 320 356

797/962G2 1200 962 90 254 224

792/1000G2 127 1000 100 333 303

792/1000G2K 127 1000 100 333 303

792/1000G2K1 127 1000 100 333 303

792/1000G2K2 127 1000 100 333 303

797/1060G2 1,400 ten-sixty 120 429 596

797/1200G2 1520 1200 90 409 504

792/1250G2 1700 1250 155 602 1103

797/1250G2 1608 1250 148 p.p.423-430 743

797/1250G2K 1608 1250 148 p.p.423-430 717

797/1278G2K 16.6 1278 120 427 589

797/1320G2 1715 13.2 134 607 958

797/1370G 1840 1370 160 997 1213

797/1380G2 1700 1380 145 461 1383

3-944G2 1,680 1412 170 1076 725

3-1412 170 944G2K 1,680 576 723

3-1412 185 944G2K1 1,680 576 759

797/1600G an 1600 145 896 1357

797/1776G2 2,210 1776 150 148159 sawers

797/1860G2 232 1860 151 890 1772

797/1916G2 232 1916 150 1195 1214

797/2190G 2860 2190 300 3035 4797

797/2500G2 2980 2500 180 2913 1760

792/2800G 3310 cellular 2800 190 2117 286,400


A cross roller wheel bearings (outside using)


Bearing type rated load shape feet inch outside



D D H batch record and Coa (10kN)

1792/885 1056 885 83 176

E1792/885 1056 885 83 176

E1792/885K 1056 885 83 176

1797/885G 1150 885 115 292

1797/1100G 1,415 1100 115 270

1798-1857/1100G2 1,400 1100 140 430

1798-1857/1100G2K 1,400 1100 145 430

1797/1250G2 1548 1250 148 539

1797/1278G2 1,595 1278 120 485

1797/1300G2 1705 1300 165 578

1792/1400G 1715 1,400 110 5.97

1792/1400G2 1715 1,400 110 5.97

1792/1400G2K 1715 1,400 110 5.97

1797/1460G2 1800 1,460 over 125 627

1797/1460G2K -- 146 125 627

1797/1916G2-1916 150 1150

1797/2100G2 2600 2100 180 1100

1797/2100G2K 2600 2100 180 1100

2460G2-1797/2460 220 1386

2460G2U - 1797/2460 220 1386

1797/2460G2K 3108 2460 220 1386

1797/2460G2K1 3108 2460 220 1386

2500G2-1797/2500 210. 1996

1797/2500K 2920 2500 260. 1996

1797/2500G2K1 2920 2500 260. 1996

2600G - 1797/2600 200 2030

2600G2-1797/2600 200 2030

2600G2K - 1797/2600 200 2030

2600G2K1-1797/2600 200 232

1797 2635G 3332 2635 270 2950 /

1797 2635G2 3332 2635 270 2950 /

3230G according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

3230GY according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

3230G2 according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

3230G2K according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

3230G2K2 according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

1797/3230G2K3 261-264 3230 240 3593

3230G2Y according to the 3230 1797/240 3593

3230G2Y2 according to the 3230 1797/240 3593

3230G2Y3-1797/3230 240 3,520

3230GK4 according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

3230GK5 according to the 3230 1797/240 3,520

3230G2Y3K - 1797/3230 240 3,520

1797/3760G 4220 3760 240 3210

1797/4250G 4940 year-much 250 4520


A cross roller wheel bearings (within an)


Bearing type rated load shape feet inch outside




D D H batch record and Coa (10kN)

Er / 695G2 920 695 90 161

Er / 760G2 1000 7.6 95 237

Er / 870G2 1180 870 115 292

Er / 875G2 1170 875 95 276

Er / 955G 1200 95 90 254

Er / 955G2 1200 95 90 254

Er / 1010G2 1200 1010 90 254

Er / 1010GK 1200 1010 90 254

Er / 1278G2 1,595 1278 120 398

2792/1400G2K 1715 1,400 110 5.97

2792/2000G2 2420 2000 160 1084

2792/2240G 2670 2240 160 1441

Er / 2680G on 3325 26.8 300 3587

Er / 2680GY on 3325 26.8 300 3587

Er / 2680GK on 3325 26.8 300 3035

反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 评论 0
Specializing in the production of cylindrical roller XSU series slewing ring bearings LM720648/LM720610Taper roller bearing Turntable bearing 131.50.3550 manufacturing 792/1250G2K1 cross roller rotary bearings SOR50/1971 slewing bearing of high precision low noise - detailed parameters RKS series of turntable bearings 010.20.200 The latest supply of composite slewing bearings
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